COP28: Elevating Health in Climate Change Policies

COP28: Elevating Health in Climate Change Policies

Dec 2, 2023 | COP28, Featured

In a historic moment at COP28, over 40 million health professionals from across the globe joined forces on the first-ever Health Day, answering the call to prioritize health in climate negotiations. Led by the World Health Organization (WHO) and various civil society organizations, this united stand sends a powerful message: urgent and bold action is needed now to address the intersection of health and climate change.

Climate Inaction: A Silent Crisis Impacting Lives

Every day, climate inaction exacts a toll on lives and health globally. The rallying cry of health workers is clear: immediate and bold measures are essential. Their demands encompass phasing out fossil fuels, transitioning to clean energy, building resilience, and supporting vulnerable communities affected by climate change. The message reverberates—no more delays, no more excuses. It’s time for decisive action and justice to secure a healthy future for all.

Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, Director-General of WHO, emphasized the united front of health professionals in facing the urgent challenges posed by health and climate change. Their commitment extends to improving health outcomes and addressing the climate crises, inspiring a collective effort toward a healthier, more resilient world for generations to come.

Global Health Mobilization Unveiled at COP28

The year 2023 has witnessed an alarming surge in climate-related disasters, including wildfires, heatwaves, and droughts, leading to population displacement, agricultural losses, and heightened air pollution. The ongoing climate crisis has escalated the risk of life-threatening diseases such as cholera, malaria, and dengue.

In an unparalleled global health mobilization, WHO and over 40 million health professionals urge governments to fulfill existing commitments, adhere to the Paris Agreement, expedite the phasing out of fossil fuels, and elevate ambitions for a healthier, fairer, and greener future. The International Council of Nurses (representing 30 million members) and the World Medical Association (with a membership of 10 million physicians) have pledged their support, joined by thousands of health professionals globally actively endorsing WHO’s call to action on health and climate change.

Prioritizing Resilient Health Systems: A Call to Action

Recognizing the indispensable role of strong and resilient health systems in safeguarding populations from climate change impacts, health professionals advocate for climate-resilient, low-carbon health systems. This, they assert, must be a priority in local, national, and global climate action and financing efforts to protect current and future lives.

COP28 Declaration on Climate and Health: A Landmark Endorsement

Health Ministers from around the world, supported by 120 countries, endorsed the COP28 Declaration on Climate and Health. This declaration underscores the severe health implications of climate change, emphasizes the crucial role of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) and the Paris Agreement, and stresses the urgent need for collaborative efforts to address the links between climate change and health.

The declaration fosters a shared understanding of the urgency of climate action for health and instills hope for greater global commitment to a healthier and more resilient future.

Urgency of Financing Climate-Resilient Health Systems: A Critical Discussion

Committing to a healthier planet necessitates dedicated financing mechanisms to support climate-resilient health systems and sustainable initiatives. Addressing the urgency of action, health professionals stress the need for financial commitments that align with the scale of the challenge.

Currently receiving a mere 0.5% of global climate financing, the health sector demands a significant increase in resources to effectively tackle ongoing health crises and adapt to the evolving global health landscape.

WHO’s Commitment on Climate and Health: Leading the Way

WHO commends the COP28 Presidency’s efforts to spotlight the health emergency, providing a high-level platform for climate and health discussions. The organization is dedicated to working alongside partners and donors to ensure the effective implementation of priorities outlined in the Declaration.

The Alliance for Transformative Action on Climate and Health (ATACH), led by WHO, is a global platform with over 75 committed countries. WHO pledges to integrate climate change as a priority in all its programs, emphasizing leadership, evidence, and country implementation.

In affirming its commitment to global health and climate action, WHO extends its support to ministries of health worldwide.

Reference: WHO – Over 40 Million Health Professionals Demand Bold Health and Climate Action at COP28

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