Who Has the Future in Mind? Gender, Time Perspectives, and Pro-Environmental Behaviour

Who Has the Future in Mind? Gender, Time Perspectives, and Pro-Environmental Behaviour

Sep 27, 2022 | Blogs, Energy

Environmental issues are becoming increasingly important, and as such, it is essential to understand how different groups approach pro-environmental behavior. Research has shown that gender and time perspectives can play a significant role in this regard. In a study published in the Journal of Environmental Research Letters, researchers analyzed data from 6,000 participants across six countries to examine the relationship between gender, time perspectives, and pro-environmental behavior. The results showed that women were more likely to engage in pro-environmental behavior than men, and individuals with a future time perspective were more likely to engage in pro-environmental behavior than those with a present or past time perspective.

This research has important implications for environmental campaigns, as it suggests that messages and campaigns that appeal to women and future-oriented individuals may be more effective in promoting pro-environmental behavior. Additionally, this research highlights the importance of understanding individual differences in approaching environmental issues and developing targeted strategies to promote sustainable behavior.


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